Sunday Stitches Book – Heartstring Samplery


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Sunday Stitches

From Beth:  I am so excited to bring this
well-loved series to Market!

This is a full-sized,staple-bound book
containing the original 12 hymn charts
from the limited series I released in 2021.

It also includes 3 brand new designs,
for a total of 15 well-loved hymns.
The book is over 40 pages long
and features full page color photos
and black and white charts.Stitch Counts Vary
The list of linens and threads used for this book
is too long to include here;
I used a variety of linens,
but a single palette of 13 threads.
Each design has a materials
list included on its info page.
There is also a basic list that can be
viewed or downloaded by clicking below.