
Kind Words Never Die – Heartstring Samplery

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Kind Words Never Die

Heartstring Samplery

The Museum of American Folk Art in New York has a quilt in their collection. It was made by Maria Cadman Hubbard at the age of 79. It is all red and white, and contains more than a dozen quotes and sayings, all depicted with tiny pieced quilt blocks. When I saw the quilt in a book, I was captured in particular by one of the blocks, which says, “Kind words never Die”. Those words stopped me dead in my tracks, and made me think long and hard about what Maria was saying by featuring these words on her quilt. Could it be true? I know that when harsh words are spoken to or about me, they linger for what seems like forever. What about kind words? Do I give them as much credit as I should? Do they really never die? And then I thought back to my earliest memories. The brightest stars shining back at me were the kind words; the harsh are still there, but sparkling and dazzling, the kind ones soothe and diminish any other.

I decided then and there that I wanted to create a simple design that could remind me of this truth. And so I created a little colorful wreath, wrapping itself around the words, holding them there in focus. I hope you are able to look back in your own personal history to find the shining kind words of your past. And I hope that this little pin cushion reminds us all to speak kindness into our todays and tomorrows. You might be one of a very few sparkling gems in someone else’s timeline.

Stitch Count: 74 x 73

Model stitched with one thread over two on
R&R Reproductions’ 40 count Patriot’s Brew

With threads by Weeks Dye Works:
Charlotte’s Pink, Mascara, Oscar,
Red Rocks, Teal Frost, Whiskey

Trim by Lady Dot Creates:
Cotton Lace : Mary Janes

Pincushion Base by Lone Elm Lane:
4” Shaker Round : Avocado

Model was filled with sheep’s wool.